Thread Lift

To offer the face and the neck a youthful look, a thread lift is a cosmetic technique that uses temporary sutures and threads to lift and tighten loose skin. It is a simple process that increases collagen synthesis and makes the skin more firm and healthier.

While less intrusive than a facelift, this surgery can cure indications of ageing by eliminating drooping skin and smoothing up small lines and wrinkles. It may treat the jawline, jowls, forehead, cheeks, and other parts of the face. The aesthetic procedure is enduring, lasting up to two years with minimal bruising and swelling.

What are the benefits of a thread lift as opposed to a facelift?

The main benefit of getting a thread lift instead of a facelift for many individuals is the significantly shorter recovery period. Because facelift surgery requires deep sedation, patients need to make arrangements for a driver to transport them home following the hospital. Most facelift patients need round-the-clock care for at least three days following surgery. Furthermore, childcare assistance can be required if a patient still has kids at home. Facelift patients often need to take a week to two off from work to recuperate.
Thread lift treatment at SnB Aesthetic Clinic

Make the most of your lift with a thread.

Combining thread lifts with other nonsurgical treatments might result in more complete, apparent effects because they are a low-risk technique with a quick recovery period. We advise combining your thread lift and therapy after the area around the threads introduced during your “InstaLift” has healed.

Ultherapy utilizes gentle ultrasonic energy pulses to stimulate collagen formation by heating the connective tissue layer beneath the skin. Often dubbed a “nonsurgical facelift,” it safely treats nearly any facial or neck area. Integrating this treatment with a thread lift enhances results. Targeting both the face and neck optimizes the firming treatment’s effectiveness, achieving more uniform lifting.

While thread lifts effectively tighten the skin, they do not address surface imperfections. To combat outward signs of aging such as age spots, uneven pigmentation, and fine lines, skin resurfacing becomes necessary. This procedure involves removing the top layer of the dermis to eliminate imperfections, allowing a fresher, younger-looking layer of skin to develop in its place. By combining various nonsurgical anti-aging procedures, patients can achieve a significantly improved appearance without enduring the prolonged recovery period associated with surgery.

What advantages may a thread lift offer?

Thread lifts address various concerns, such as loss of facial volume and symmetry, as well as the tightening and smoothing of wrinkled skin. Opting for a thread lift can be the ideal solution if you seek to reverse signs of aging without undergoing full facelift surgery. This procedure doesn’t result in long-term pain or scars and typically completes in a single office visit. Unlike facelifts, thread lifts offer longer-lasting effects and a considerably faster recovery period. Additionally, this process can be combined with other anti-aging therapies, including laser resurfacing, Botox injections, and dermal fillers.

Thread lift treatment at SnB Aesthetic Clinic in Dubai UAE

For a thread lift, how should I be ready?

During your consultation, the surgeon treating you will examine your anatomy and discuss your objectives to see whether you are an excellent match for a thread lift. Be ready to talk about your medical history, present circumstances, and cosmetic goals throughout your thread lift consultation. In addition to taking pictures and evaluating your general health, your dermatologist will review your thread-lifting alternatives. They will also discuss any possible hazards and the anticipated results of thread lifts. Feeling a little anxious is normal, anticipating your new appearance or worries around the operation. Communicate your feelings to your cosmetic surgeon without fear.

How is the thread lifted?

At SnB Aesthetic Clinic in Dubai, the thread lift treatment is performed under local anesthesia and typically takes thirty to sixty minutes to complete. Your practitioner at SnB Aesthetic Clinic marks the areas of drooping skin and indicates the locations for each thread insertion. Using a small cannula, they inject threads beneath the skin and then pull them taut. The number of threads required depends on the size of the treatment area on your face. Equipped with tiny barbs that lift and support the skin from below, these threads reposition it for a more youthful appearance.

Once the swelling and bruises subside, a thread lift at SnB Aesthetic Clinic leaves the surrounding area and jawline smoother, more defined, and youthful-looking. After placing the threads, the physician at SnB Aesthetic Clinic removes the cannula. Although there are no scars, you may experience some discomfort. As the threads naturally dissolve, the skin produces more collagen and elastin, resulting in longer-lasting effects.

Who would be an excellent thread lift candidate?

The ideal candidates for a thread lift are healthy individuals between 30 and 50 who exhibit mild to moderate signs of loose skin. Patients who wish to avoid having a surgical facelift but are experiencing sagging in any part of their face should consider this alternative. This method is advantageous since it employs local anaesthesia rather than general anaesthesia, which can help patients who cannot have surgery because of medical issues.

Make an appointment with SNB
for your thread lift consultations now!

We do a complete consultation to ensure you are an appropriate fit for thread lift therapy and that we can provide the results you want. Call us at +971 58 857 1847, complete the booking form, or use the live chat link at the bottom of the page to schedule your appointment with one of our knowledgeable dermatologists in Dubai.